Mexico 7.1
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I'm very attached to Mexico since years, for many reasons. When came the earthquake i followed efforts from a friend who helped other and guided them through those terrible days. It was a live infos out of usual medias, so more human and inspiring. This gave me the need to paint this.
Technical infos at the bottom of the page.
La figure centrale est une version réinterprétée de la Vierge de Guadalupe. Elle porte le grand Quetzacoaltl une divinité de la vie du panthéon Aztéque. La vierge est entourée à gauche de Mictlantecuhtli dieu de la mort et à droite de Tepeyollotl le dieu des montagnes et des tremblements de terre.
The central character is my version of Virgen Guadalupe. She's carrying Quetzacoatl the feathered snake, god of life. On the left you have the death god Mictlantecuhtli and on the right the earthquake and mountains god Tepeyollotl.
Au-dessus la figure du soleil Tonatiuh créateur de l'univers.
Above them, Tonatiuh the sun god and universe maker.
En bas le peuple de Mexico qui s'entraident et l'aigle mangeant le serpent symbole du Mexique. On le retrouve sur le drapeau national.
Bellow the mexican people helping each others and the eagle eating a snake, symbol of Mexico. You find it on the national flag.
acrylique sur bois et papier mâché / acrylic on wood and papier mâche
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